Me llamo Lucy
No soy ni atlética ni grosera.
Soy feliz, musical, y estudiosa.
Mi amiga mejor es simpática y creativa.
Todos los días yo escribo cuentos, toco violín, leo libros, y tomo fotografías.
Nunca juego a deportes ni fallo mis clases.
¡Así soy yo!
Completing the project was fairly simple. We began in class by customizing an avatar, mine having been created in my own image. We then went home over the weekend and used our cell or house phone to call in to the Voki number and record our personal greeting in Spanish. The project was then saved and turned in to Mrs. Hugghins via email.
While working on this project, I found myself a bit bored. It was entertaining to call in and be allowed to record my greeting aloud, but it seemed like the project ran a little slow, at least while at school. Having two days of instruction for a project of this nature seemed like a bit of overkill. The project itself, however, was an interesting change of pace from the average school and homework we, as students, are assigned.